Friday 29 November 2019


Now this can only be done with cydget. You should want to make things as easy as possible for them. Futuristic uses one of these lines of code. Another good thing about svg is I can easily change the color of all these images via code. I'm always available to help my contact info is on http: Why use a mobile substrate when you don't have to? futuristic cydget

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My latest creation for Cydget is Futuristic LS. Everything mentioned above is used in Futuristc. You can view some of the mockup code here on my codepen.

Now this can only be done with cydget. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like Attachment Add multiple files to a folder. Yes, it's just how I work. We are merging what kept the world wide web and the library of our iPhone together. Hud type design, Futuristic not only brings an stunning design, it also brings things not yet seen on the lockscreen. Now it uses iOS weather framework to get weather information.

Now I mentioned that cycript and cysget can run these commands with Javascript. Why rely on other devs to keep packages updated to make your lockscreen work? June'sIphone Master Theme Creator. Karoonchai Lord of Lockscreen Modding. The ability to use Javascript and Obj-c. Fill out your details. First find the iOS7 Header files. It shows everything that the iPhone Libraries have.

futuristic cydget

You should be in full control of that, and Cydget gives you this ability. This is pretty easy to answer.

Ok let's try again. With obj-c and cycript we can easily open terminal type in a short command and pretty much have full control over this by using its obj-c method.

All images were re-drawn to be svg even all the weather icons. For example the status bar.

futuristic cydget

One of the biggest Putting all settings in the settings. It uses no mobile substrates, and gets your current location perfectly fine, and probably saves you more battery then the mobile substrates myLocation or WidgetWeather. The Cydget has been re-written from the ground up for many reasons.

Futuristic Cydget · Cydia

Why make users name images a specific name to put into a slideshow? Javascript is what runs our internet. This is just a few things you can do with cydget. The weather retrieval system was also re-written.

Futuristic Cydget "A lockscreen Tony Stark would be proud of"

When in this mode your lockscreen will not dim. Originally Posted by Baddgoat. Full Article and donation link. If you want to support it just retweet or share on you favorite social network.

futuristic cydget

I'm always available to help my contact info is on http: When applied the only thing I see is something on the bottom corner

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